Each time I play a new game, I'll post a review of it here. There won't be many psp reviews cuz i don't have one. But
I will post what I can on the psp games.
Resident Evil 4
capcom rated M
(Game of the Year Award!!)

Game description and comments:
Okay we all remember Leon from RE2, hopefully. Well he's back in RE4. This isn't
like any other RE, a revamped over the shoulder camera view really makes the experience better. Even the graphics are better
than most next gen games. Great weapons, typewriter ribbons out, and lots to do after beating the game (infinite rocket launcher,
the all powerful handcannon!). The game of the year and the best game for GC so if you want a good game i suggest you get
this game. too scared or too young no worries this game will be waiting for you!
Ratings (scale of 1-10):
Graphics: 10 Sound effects and music: 10 Challenge: 9 Overall:10
Honestly this game is sweet a great balance of everything, even the puzzles are hard, but not college graduate hard.
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater / Subsistence
Konami Rated M

For those of you that don't know YES there is a rerelease of MGS3. and YES it is called Subsistence not substance. This
version has an online mode where you can play with other players online, a theater mode, a boss attack mode, and the
regular game as well. Online you can play with special characters such as Snake, Ocelot, That one Russian guy that you rescue
in the beggining of the game. (I can't recall his real name) The guy that looks like raiden from MGS2 and A rumble roses wrestler
chick. Anyway the modes are sneaking mission, rescue, capture the flag, and i believe there is a death match style of game
on it too. In boss attack mode you face off against the bosses (of your choosing of course). Obviously this game
is not released yet so i will review the regular MGS3.
MGS3 is probably best for its actual survival concept, where you actually operate to heal wounds. Or you have to constantly
eat animals to keep your stamina. The epic boss battles are still there remember the battle against psyco mantis? MGS3 has
made it better with the fight against the end. A long and grueling sniper battle, it took me a while to even get a few hits
on him, but i was focusing on killing all the bosses with the tranqulizer. (Find out why in the tips and cheats section).
MGS3 hasn't failed us and the MGS series probably wont stop with MGS4.
Graphics: 9.5
Music and sound: 9
List of Reviews
Devil May Cry 3
Capcom rated M

Description and Comments:
Wow! I'm amazed, this game has geeked me out to no end. The moves are sweet, non-stop action. Yet there is still time
for a smidgen of puzzles, that mostly involve action. I also like how the combo system works, not like if you stop moving
your combo ends. The orb system is somewhat the same as God of War but your orbs are also used to buy items. By the way this
is the prequel to DMC1 so yes I know im playing the series backwards.
Graphics: 8.5 (the sword is just so blocky)
Sound/ Music: I like the music and sound it fits well with the action 10
gameplay: 9
Yeah with the gaming revolution coming around there aren't many games to review. But the few games that i can review
will be posted here.